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The NEW Forward Kentucky Is Coming!

2 min read

Editor’s note: This is one of the first posts on Forward Kentucky. Even though our mission has changed over the years, I’m keeping it on the site for historical purposes.

I am pleased to announce that after months of dreaming and planning, the new, expanded Forward Kentucky is coming this September! Read on to learn about the mission, the goals, the plan, and the details.

What is the aim of Forward Kentucky?

To build a statewide progressive movement that will change the conversation, inform policy discussions, get legislation passed, and get progressives elected.

What are the goals of Forward Kentucky for its first two years?

  • First, to build a strong progressive voice using multiple types of content and multiple forms of digital media.
  • Second, to enlist members from across the state to expand the conversation and engage online.
  • Finally, to organize on-the-ground activism to promote causes and to elect progressives.

What are the multiple types of content you mentioned?

  • Original reporting, including investigative – We will do some journalism work, especially digging into stories and issues that are not being covered (or covered well) by the main-stream media. Our primary goal for doing this will be to promote effective government and discourage ineffective or wasteful government, or places where progressive values and policies could make a difference.
  • Original analysis – We will dig into stories reported by others to do the analysis that often gets skipped, including backgrounders to help people understand the issues under discussion.
  • Policy papers and talking points – We will provide not just positions, but policy work that can inform legislation, and talking points for both policy makers and citizens.
  • Republishing / linking – We will work with other progressive and policy groups to give their work broader reach.
  • Podcasts/Videocasts/Videos – We will create original content for various types of media channels, including video.

What is your launch timeline for 2016?

  • June-July – Build out the web site, enlist core teams, enlist crowdfunding team leads, build the Facebook following
  • August 5 – Press conference before Fancy Farm Bean Dinner, followed by working various parties Fri-Sat
  • August 7 – Official crowdfunding launch party in Louisville
  • Aug 5 – Sep 10 – Crowdfunding drive to raise working capital
  • September 10 – Launch of the media/publishing work

Why are you raising money through crowdfunding?

To make this work a reality, we need writers, technology, marketing, and staff. Our base goal of $30,000 will enable us to launch strongly in all these areas. Our ultimate goal is to have enough writers and staff, including myself, to become a significant force for progressive values and candidates across the state. The more we raise, the sooner that vision can be realized.

How can I help?

Here are the ways you can help, in increasing levels of commitment:

  • Like the Facebook page and follow us on Twitter.
  • Become a regular member by joining the email list.
  • Donate money during the crowdfunding drive. The site ( will go live on July 25, with the crowdfunding drive officially starting on August 6th.
  • Become a personal fundraiser during the crowdfunding drive. You can set up your own fundraising page, then invite your friends to donate under your name.
  • Be a matching donor during the crowdfunding drive. We already have some supporters who have pledged to match what is donated, up to a certain amount. Matching funds are a proven way to motivate people to give! If you want to be a matching donor, contact me with the amount of your matching gift, and we’ll add it to the pot!
  • Be a writer, researcher, graphic artist, web designer, or some other form of content creator. We are raising money to pay such folks, and we are looking for people to fill those slots. Contact me if you are interested!

Questions, sugggestions, thoughts? Contact me at Bruce -at- ForwardKY -dot- com. I want to hear from you! Let’s make this work … together!

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Bruce Maples

Bruce Maples has been involved in politics and activism since 2004, when he became active in the Kerry Kentucky movement. (Read the rest of his bio on the Bruce Maples Bio page in the bottom nav bar.)

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