Weekly update – need some feedback Skip to content

Weekly update – need some feedback

The ForwardKY Newsletter for 8/21/22, with a request for some top-dressing feedback.

7 min read

Hello! Hope your weekend is going well. Mine has been focused on overseeding the lawn, as it got attacked by brown patch this summer. I decided to top-dress the back yard at the same time, which involves just adding a thin layer of topsoil to what is already there.

Why am I telling you about my yard work? Because it relates to the feedback I need from you. ForwardKY is healthy and doing well (better than my lawn, actually). We continue to add new members, our readership is growing, and we are actually breaking even financially.

So the feedback I need is essentially top-dressing: some things I’m thinking of adding or expanding as we move into the fall. I thought about asking you to fill out a Google form, but decided to just put the questions in here. To send your feedback, just hit Reply and add your answers somewhere in the reply. (By the questions would be ideal, but anywhere is fine – unless you just send me a reply with a single “Yes” in it. 😀)

Please reply to these 12 questions. Skip the ones that don’t apply. Thanks!

Election Central
1. Have you visited Election Central?
2. If YES, what did you find valuable?
3. No matter your answer to question 1, do you plan on using Election Central in the future?

Media Stuff
4. Do you watch videos on YouTube?
5. If YES, would you watch ForwardKY videos on YouTube?
6. If so, what should the content be?
7. Are you on TikTok?
8. If YES, would you watch short ForwardKY videos on TikTok?
9. If so, what should the content be?

10. Do you listen to podcasts?
11. If so, are you subscribed to any of these: Moving Kentucky Forward, My Old Kentucky Podcast, ProgKY Colonels of Truth?
12. Do you listen to the podcasts I post on the site?

Okay, that’s it. I’ll be interested to get your feedback on these things. We may try adding some of these to the mix (or in the case of podcasts, RE-adding them to the mix).

In the meantime, here’s the posts for this week. Thanks for being a member of Forward Kentucky!


Most-viewed posts this week

Floods in eastern Kentucky were a man-made disaster, and we know exactly who is to blame
It wasn’t just the rain. It was the strip-mining, and the mountain-top removal, and the regulators looking the other way, that caused the floods in eastern Kentucky.
Rand Paul’s talk is not only reckless – it’s dangerous
Clardy said the false accusations Republicans like Paul are hurling “are dangerous and irresponsible. He knows better.

Media this week

Debby Lucas Angel & Meagan Brannon Interviews
This week we have two interviews: Debby Lucas Angel, who is running in the 61st District against Savannah Maddox, and Meagan Brannon, who is running in central and northeast Kentucky. In addition, we had a few quick hits.
Willie helps us take Rand to school w/guest Hank Linderman
With guest host Teacher of the Year Willie Carver, we cover Rand Paul’s week of “leadership,” and learn how teachers are holding up during the war on public education. Then, we welcome KY-2 candidate Hank Linderman, and learn why he thinks could help unite rural and urban voters.

Stories this week

Trying something different this week – putting the stories into categories. Let me know if this is helpful.


Join the Farm Bureau protest this Thursday morning
The KY Farm Bureau is still discriminating, so the protests are still happening. Sign up here to protest the KFB Ham Breakfast with other supporters of LGBTQ rights!

News and Press Releases

Joe Fischer’s SCOKY campaign called out by campaign conduct committee
A non-partisan committee formed 16 years ago to monitor campaign conduct in judicial races has called out Joe Fischer for the blatant partisanship of his race for the state Supreme Court.
Lawmakers express concerns, support for those in flooded areas
Lawmakers from Eastern Kentucky and other areas of the state expressed heartfelt concern Tuesday for those adversely affected by July’s torrential flooding.
Setser-Kissick withdraws; KDP to field new candidate
Another candidate falls to the redistricting process.
Monday News & Notes
Special session of KYGA; Cameron asks to have lawsuit dismissed; Paul calls for getting rid of Espionage Act; Booker calls on Paul to stop threatening our democracy; SBC under investigation.

Analysis and Explainers

Al Cross: Cameron shows why he’s the one to beat, then could get beat
Al Cross covered Fancy Farm this year, as he does every year, and reports on the speakers and their political futures.
Floods in eastern Kentucky were a man-made disaster, and we know exactly who is to blame
It wasn’t just the rain. It was the strip-mining, and the mountain-top removal, and the regulators looking the other way, that caused the floods in eastern Kentucky.
The independent state legislature doctrine could reverse 200 years of progress and take power away from the people
There’s a movement to take election results away from voters and give state legislatures the ability to pick winners and losers.
ICYMI – Bills that are now the law.
An easy-to-read list of some of last session’s bills that took effect on July 1.


Fancy Farm is dead
“Not funny, just mean.” So wrote Garrison Keillor in the margins of homework – and so he would have written of the speeches at Fancy Farm. Teri Carter explains why.
Donald Trump as Uber Immortal
No one is above the law – except Donald Trump. He is an Uber Immortal. But what happens to uber immortals?
Christian Nationalism? Been there, done that
Guess what – Christian Nationalism has been tried before. As Ivonne Rovira points out, it didn’t work out too well.
Rand Paul is not a Libertarian; he’s a Corporate Libber
“Corporate Libertarianism, where we allow a libertarian system for the corporate elites while forcing a police state for the working class.”
Some questions for Republicans about Trump and the FBI
In light of Republicans’ faux “outrage” over the FBI searching Trump’s estate, columnist Ken Wolf has some questions for those same Republicans.


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Bruce Maples

Bruce Maples has been involved in politics and activism since 2004, when he became active in the Kerry Kentucky movement. (Read the rest of his bio on the Bruce Maples Bio page in the bottom nav bar.)

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