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Which candidates grabbed their domain names?

And did they get ALL of them?

2 min read
The home page from (screenshot)

One of the first things you should do as a candidate is register a domain name for your campaign. You go to a domain registrar site like MyDomain or GoDaddy or whatever, search for the name you want to use for your campaign, make sure it is available, and then pay the fee to register it. At that point, you own it, whether you actually use it or not.

If you don’t do this, someone else could beat you to it, then put up a fake site that looks like your campaign site. From there, much mischief could follow, and probably would.

There are three common campaign names used in Kentucky: the candidate’s name, the first name (or sometimes the last) combined with “4ky,” and the candidate’s name combined with “forky.” Good campaigns will grab all three variations, just to be safe. So, you register and and

But wait – what about the other top-level domains like .NET and .ORG? Technically, those are supposed to be for domains having to do with the internet itself, and organizations that are not for-profit companies, just like .COM was originally intended to be used only by companies.

Nowadays, the original purposes of those other top-level domains has mostly gone by the wayside. If you are really on the ball, you grab those as well.

So, how have our various gubernatorial campaigns done at this? In other words, who has a good tech staff that is looking out for the details? I thought it might be interesting to go see, so here is the list.

Site Name .COM .NET .ORG
Alan Keck
alan4ky open open open
alanforky open open open
alankeck taken open open
Andy Beshear
andy4ky open open open
andybeshear taken taken taken
andyforky open open open
Daniel Cameron
daniel4ky open open open
danielcameron taken taken taken
danielforky open open open
Eric Deters
eric4ky open open open
ericdeters taken open open
ericforky open open open
Kelly Craft
kelly4ky taken open open
kellycraft taken taken taken
kellyforky taken open open
Mike Harmon
mike4ky open open open
mikeforky taken open open
mikeharmon taken taken taken
Ryan Quarles
ryan4ky open open open
ryanforky open open open
ryanquarles taken open open


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Bruce Maples

Bruce Maples has been involved in politics and activism since 2004, when he became active in the Kerry Kentucky movement. (Read the rest of his bio on the Bruce Maples Bio page in the bottom nav bar.)

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