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Bruce Maples

Bruce Maples has been involved in politics and activism since 2004, when he became active in the Kerry Kentucky movement. (Read the rest of his bio on the Bruce Maples Bio page in the bottom nav bar.)

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The Daily Take – Potpourri time

The Daily Take for 1/17/23 – wherein I look at three things that political staff should have taken care of, but sometimes didn’t.

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Daily Story List for Monday, 1/16

Content recently published on Forward Kentucky. You may share any of our original content as long as you include the byline, attribute it properly, and link back to the original. Please do not share content we have cross-posted. Original content Cannabis legislation in KYGA23 – where it standsWill this be the

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A new feature, and updates on newsletters

Notes from Bruce In this week’s all-member newsletter, I’ve got a new feature to announce, a few updates about our various newsletters. The weekly news quiz We have added an interactive news quiz to the size! It comes from The Conversation, and they have graciously said we could

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First member newsletter of 2023

Happy New Year! I’m back with the weekly Member Newsletter, with a slightly different format, but the same passion for making a difference in our state. I’ve got a few things to share about the site itself, then the list of content that got published in the past

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