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McGarvey scores a perfect 100 in this retiree group’s scorecard

Retirees who vote Republican might want to rethink that choice.

2 min read
Democratic Rep. Morgan McGarvey (KY-3)

Seven-in-ten Republican voters in the 2022 congressional mid-term were 50 or older according to the Pew Research Center.

The Alliance for Retired Americans’ just-released 2023 Congressional Voting Record suggests that Democrats are far better than Republicans on what the ARA calls “critical retirement security issues, today.”

Nationwide, Democrats rated considerably higher than Republicans. The Kentucky numbers were typical.

Third District Congressman Morgan McGarvey of Louisville, the sole Democrat, notched a perfect 100 percent “pro-retiree score.” Each of the state’s five GOP congressmen got zeroes.

Sen. Mitch McConnell rated 30 percent, Sen. Rand Paul 0.

The survey also included lawmakers’ cumulative scores since they have been in the House and Senate.

“Ten Senate and House floor votes are considered in the report,” the ARA explained. “They include votes on bills and amendments to establish a fiscal commission — leading to potentially deep cuts to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and other essential government programs; avoid default on the national debt; and undermine numerous health care protections for older Americans in the Affordable Care Act.”

Said Alliance President Robert Roach, Jr.: “Almost every member of Congress claims to care about seniors. Our annual voting record shows which House and Senate members actually back up their words with actions and vote in older Americans’ best interests.”

According to the ARA, “Among the senators earning a score of 90% or higher were Tammy Baldwin (WI), Sherrod Brown (OH); Bob Casey, Jr. (PA), Jacky Rosen (NV), and Jon Tester (MT).” (All five are Democrats. The top scoring Republican was Susan Collins (ME) with 43 percent.)

“What happens in Washington, DC has real everyday consequences for retirees and their families nationally,” said Richard Fiesta, Executive Director of the Alliance. “Votes in Congress can either strengthen Americans’ retirement security or make it more difficult to achieve.”

“This Voting Record reflects how committed our elected representatives are to retirees and older Americans,” said the ARA. “Use it to educate yourself on where your elected representatives stand. Get active today and help create an America that protects the health and economic security of seniors, strengthens families and builds safe and thriving communities.”



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Berry Craig

Berry Craig is a professor emeritus of history at West KY Community College, and an author of seven books and co-author of two more. (Read the rest on the Contributors page.)

Arlington, KY

