Good evening! Hope your weekend was all that you needed it to be, and at least most of what you wanted it to be. 😊 If you celebrated Father’s Day (not everyone does, because not everyone had fathers they necessarily want to celebrate), I hope it went well, and “a good time was had by all.”
The national news, of course, is mostly focused on Trump (are we tired of him yet?), and on the state level it’s the War of the Opposing Ads by the two gubernatorial candidates.
We've got one update about the site itself, which is listed below. Please read and respond if you are interested. And as always, thanks for being a member of Forward Kentucky!
The big update this week is the sort-of return of a story list newsletter. Last week, I asked you to complete a survey (thanks to those who did!), and the results were pretty clear: a newsletter that just listed what was published on the site would be helpful as a way to keep up. And, it doesn't need to be every day; most felt M-W-F would be often enough.
We’ve tried this before, but I think it was either too often or too sporadic. This time, it is just the stories published on the site since the last time it was sent, and that’s it. No extra headlines (those are on News & Notes on the site), and almost never a message from me – just a list of the stories with description and link back, so you can keep up and read just what you want.
So, if you want to get The Reading List newsletter, you have two options:
- You can log into the site, go to your account, and turn it on under Emails.
- Or, you can email me directly and ask me to turn it on for you.
For some people, this would be just another email, and I get that. If you are one of those persons, then don’t subscribe to it. 😉 But, if you want to keep up with our work, but don’t really have time to visit the web site every day, this would be a service to take advantage of: you can quickly see the list of stories, then click through to the ones that interest you.
First one goes out tomorrow afternoon (Monday). So, if this interests you, get signed up.
This week’s content
Most-read article

All other content
