<meta name="description" content="Articles that promote active involvement in the political process, including rallies, protests, campaigning, and other ways to take action. Note that Action articles are often deleted once the action is no longer current."> Action - Forward Kentucky (Page 2) Skip to content


Articles that promote active involvement in the political process, including rallies, protests, campaigning, and other ways to take action. Note that Action articles are often deleted once the action is no longer current.

Anti-trans Action Alert

Anti-trans Action Alert

HB 470, the worst anti-trans bill in this year’s legislative session, is going to be heard in committee soon. A number of organizations have signed a letter to members of the House asking them to vote the bill down and kill it. This Action Alert is to ask you

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Single-Payer Meeting, News

Single-Payer Meeting, News

Various action possibilities from the Kentuckians for Single Payer Health Care group. If single payer is an issue you care about, check out these ways to get involved.

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Three actions to take now

Three actions to take now

Here are two actions you can take today that will only cost you a few minutes of your time, and a rally on Saturday that you can attend in person or online. Read and do!

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The Graves County Courthouse after the tornadoes

Masks for Mayfield

What’s one thing that the tornado survivors need, that hasn’t been talked about? Masks! And Four Rivers Indivisible is stepping up to provide them.

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