Rand Paul gets more gun money than anyone else in Congress
It can be enlightening to see which Congress-person gets paid by which lobby, and how that affects their actions. Here’s some info in that regard on Rand Paul.
Articles that dig into an issue, policy, or story, and present relevant research and insights.
It can be enlightening to see which Congress-person gets paid by which lobby, and how that affects their actions. Here’s some info in that regard on Rand Paul.
Are Dems guilty of abandoning rural America? Or is something else going on? A researcher shares some possible answers.
A wrap-up of Kentucky primaries, with tables show all race results.
The House passed a bill legalizing medial MJ, but it was never heard in the Senate. The Senate passed a bill outlawing Delta-8, but it was never heard in the House. As a result, we all lose.
How healthy is our democracy? How healthy are the WORLD’s democracies? Here are maps showing the state of global democracy. And the U.S. is not the healthiest.
According to Kentucky’s trigger law, human life begins at conception. If that is so, what do we do about all the frozen humans in Kentucky?
Rural women will be even more affected by Kentucky’s post-Roe trigger laws. A retired health director explains.
Are you ready for the big race? Not the Derby, silly — the primary election ten days after that! Here are my picks for some primary races to watch.
An overview analysis of the budget by the KY Center for Economic Policy
HB 8, the “let’s cut income taxes” bill, will leave a massive hole in future budgets long after the current temporary surplus is gone. Then what? Budget cuts!
Charter schools are still a theory in Kentucky, but they are a reality in Texas. A superintendent who moved here from Texas tells what charters are REALLY like.
We are about to see a financial disaster in Kentucky. Why can’t our Repub legislators learn from the failed “Kansas Tax Experiment”?
If the lege pairs attacks on our safety net with bills that shovel money to rich corporate interests, it will lower our quality of life. Far from being “business friendly,” these bills would make Kentucky a worse place to live, raise a family, have a job.
Just as there are bad bills we want to see die, there are good bills we want to pass. Here are 20 good bills that are on the move and could actually be enacted.
As close in on the end of this year’s General Assembly, there are a number of really bad bills that could still pass. Here are 13 of them that you should know about.